Transport calculator
The EPD transport calculator can be used to calculate potential environmental impact associated with the transport of construction products.
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About the transport calculator
Ostfold Research and have developed a simplified EPD transport calculator on behalf of EPD Norway and the Construction Products Association in Norway. The EPD transport calculator can be used to calculate potential environmental impact associated with the transport of construction products. The EPD transport calculator can both be used for a specific construction site as a supplement to transport emissions given in EPDs, or when the environmental impacts are not given in EPDs. The EPD transport calculator quickly shows how much environmental impact is associated with the transport of construction products. In the long run, this can contribute to reduced environmental impact of projects that focus on reducing emissions from transport.
Environmental impacts for transport in the calculator are modeled using data from Ostfold Research and ecoinvent. The environmental data may therefore differ from specific data given in EPDs
The need for companies to document the environmental profile of their products is growing. The market increasingly demands knowledge about the environmental performance of products, not just during use, but throughout the whole life cycle. offers several tools to meet this need.